Round House Farm
Some people may ask: WHY KATAHDINS?
Here is Why we chose this breed!
No Shearing. Katahdins do not have traditional wool which needs shearing. They shed their Winter coats.
No Tail Docking. Saves time for the Shepherd and discomfort for the lambs.
No Castration. Most katahdin ram lambs are not castrated due to marked demand.
Natural parasite resistance/tolerance. Money saved by raising sheep that do not need constant treatments. Rotational Grazing will have a direct influence on flock health and frequency of deworming.
Animals chosen for good genetics and proper conformation will rarely need their hooves trimmed. Sheep with healthy feet that are kept at an acceptable length will rarely have lameness, so we do check feet twice per year.
Excellent Maternal Instincts. Katahdin's have the strongest maternal traits among all of the sheep breeds. Katahdin momma's love their lambs!
Our goal is to raise healthy, functional breeding quality sheep that adhere to the katahdin breed standards. We strive for animals that are structurally sound, low maintenance, parasite resistant and able to thrive in a basic farm environment.​
We utilize FarmWorks by Shearwell and RFID-EID technology to manage our flock and help pin-point those exceptional individuals that will be successful in the show-ring or as a seedstock production breeder. These are the potential replacement breeding stock that are chosen to be Registered with KHSI.
Round House Farm also reports data to NSIP and consider's EBV's in addition to visual appearance when selecting breeding quality replacements. NSIP is just one of the many comparison tools that we use to evaluate our flock.
We only offer the top 12% of ram lambs from each group as breeding/herd sires. These young rams will be codon tested for scrapie and evaluated for breeding soundness by our Vet. The remainder of the ram lambs from each group will be offered as a 'wonderful dining experience."
Ewe lambs are also chosen based on performance by their sire & dam. They must have an acceptable rate of weight gain and be structurally correct. We prefer a medium-framed ewe that has a sturdy frame and feminine features. Steady growth and the ability to maintain a healthy body weight along with good udder structure and heavy milking ability will ensure replacement ewe lambs a place in our flock.